This page gives an overview of some of my musical activities with links to follow to find out more.
I combine performing and teaching in a varied career, and thrive on sharing my love of music with others, both in concert and in the classroom. I’m equally at home at the organ and the harpsichord, and am regularly heard performing in my role as Organist & Director of Music at the Carmelite Priory, Kensington, and in concert, often as a continuo player.
I’m fortunate to have a number of instruments at home, including a double-manual harpsichord I commissioned, and a 2-manual pipe organ. Another instrument I regularly play is the wonderful, characteristic Downes/Walker organ at the Carmelite Priory, Kensington.
Follow the link for more information:

Improvisation plays a particularly important role in my musical life, not least because I learnt to play by ear before I could read music. Plainchant melodies provide a constant source of inspiration and are a primary resource for teaching improvisation. I endeavour to give my improvisations clear structure; my ad hoc Two-minute improvisation series is a good example of that in practice.
You can listen to some of my improvisations on the media page:

For many years I’ve produced editions of vocal polyphony, primarily for the choir of the Carmelite Priory in Kensington. What has set these editions apart from many others is that no barlines beyond those found in the source are used; the music is therefore generally presented without barlines (sine lineis, approximately).
Further information on these editions will be added to this site as time allows. In the meantime, Diego Ortiz’s Alma Redemptoris Mater is available below as a sample: